Searching by Sign off Status

Searching by Sign off Status

For each sign off step that has been created, you may search for issues that match a given status. For example, if you have a step named “Staging Testing” you could search for all issues where “Staging Testing” has been marked as Done. You may tick any number of statuses when searching for issues. Each sign off step that has been created may be search for separately. Each sign off step is available like any other Jira field, all with be prefixed with Sign Off Step.

You can additionally use JQL to search for issues

"Sign Off Step: Staging Testing" = "In Progress"


"Sign Off Step: Staging Testing" in ("Done", "In Progress")

Custom JQL Functions

There are 8 custom JQL functions available for use to query for issues in each of the 4 possible statuses: In Progress, Pending, Failed and Done; searching for issues where all steps match a status, or where any steps match a status.

For example, the following JQL will search for issues where all sign off steps on the issue have been signed off as done.

issue in allStepsDone()

You could alternatively search for issues where at least one step has been signed off as done:

The table below shows all available JQL functions

JQL Function


JQL Function



Searches for issues where all sign off steps are marked as Done


Searches for issues where at least one step is marked as Done


Searches for issues where all sign off steps are marked as Failed


Searches for issues where at least one step is marked as Failed


Searches for issues where all sign off steps are marked as Pending


Searches for issues where at least one step is marked as Pending


Searches for issues where all sign off steps are marked as In Progress


Searches for issues where at least one step is marked as In Progress